Hello! - 안녕하세요!

The first step is almost always the hardest. Like waking up on a cold winters morning to go exercise before starting the day, the warmth of a bed or shower can seem to good a situation to break away from. But once we have broken the spell and leaned into the challenge, the pain is never as dire as our imagination had led us to believe.

Starting this writing itself has been daunting. What to write and would anyone be interested enough? This first post is akin to throwing down the gauntlet.

The internet is overflowing with noise from the incomprehensible amount of writing and video on the internet. Daniel Levitin wrote in 2014, that at the time we were each processing around 100,000 words per day outside of our work, while the world's 21,274 tv stations produced around 85,000 hours of original content and YouTube was receiving around 6,000 hours of uploads every hour (The Organized Mind, 2014). Everyone now has a platform (even some famous pets) and and we live with an attention-based currency.

But no two individuals are alike. The paths we take through life will shape and impress upon us each unique skills and interests. It's this combination that I'll explore further in future posts. Where I am, what I know and where I am aiming to be!